all postcodes in CO7 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO7 6AA 7 0 51.958624 0.993904
CO7 6AB 6 0 51.959107 0.994329
CO7 6AD 29 4 51.958726 0.99624
CO7 6AE 4 0 51.956315 0.999107
CO7 6AF 4 0 51.956456 0.997457
CO7 6AG 10 0 51.955902 0.996605
CO7 6AH 12 1 51.956104 0.994653
CO7 6AJ 10 0 51.954261 0.995331
CO7 6AL 3 0 51.954635 0.995487
CO7 6AN 2 0 51.954901 0.995461
CO7 6AP 4 0 51.955007 0.996211
CO7 6AQ 4 0 51.955253 0.996096
CO7 6AR 39 0 51.95458 0.997652
CO7 6AS 10 0 51.953884 0.995655
CO7 6AT 15 0 51.952675 0.996157
CO7 6AU 22 0 51.952538 0.995551
CO7 6AW 8 0 51.955473 0.995776
CO7 6EB 6 0 51.945066 0.974562
CO7 6AX 26 0 51.950395 0.992817
CO7 6AY 6 0 51.978534 1.017195